
These questions were asked of The Lord: Lord, is capital punishment OK? Are those who are cremated lost? #CapitalPunishment #FirstResurrection #SecondResurrection

EMBRACING THE GIFT - "The Holy Days are the stepping stones to Heaven..." #WordsToLiveBy #BiblicalHolyDays #WordsofWisdom

Who among you has made every effort to cast off his old nature and walk free? #AnswersOnlyGodCanGive​ #TheVolumesofTruth

I KNOW MY SHEEP - “In obedience is your love made perfect” #LetterstoTheLordsLittleFlock #Faith #Obedience

BE MY EXAMPLES - "Order your speech like David, and conduct yourselves as Daniel" #WordsToLiveBy #Faith #MillennialKingdom

[Regarding Passover] #TheVolumesofTruth

WONDERFUL - "WONDERFUL is His name! WONDERFUL are His ways!" #WordsToLiveBy #TheGloryofGod #Psalms

These questions were asked of The Lord: Lord, is capital punishment OK? Are those who are cremated lost? #CapitalPunishment #TheJudgmentSeat #ThePenaltyofDeath

A RETURN TO THE GARDEN - "The mystery of God revealed, the counting of days no more..." #AReturntotheGarden #TheKingdomofGod #Heaven

DUE REWARD - "...And the broken shall receive healing atop The Stone" #WordstoLiveBy #Psalms #Proverbs

Lord, is capital punishment OK? Are those who are cremated lost? #CapitalPunishment #Justice #ThePenaltyofSin

I AM RISEN (From: A Return to the Garden) - "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE!" #AReturntotheGarden #TheMessiah #ThePassion

MINDFUL - "What is a son who is mindful of his father’s ways?"... #ALetterfromGod #ServicingTheLord #faith

These questions were asked of The Lord: Lord, is capital punishment OK? Are those who are cremated lost? #CapitalPunishment #ThePenaltyofSin #TheDayofTheLord

THE HOLY FLAME - "The wicked purged, and the penitent purified" #WordsToLiveBy #TheGloryofGod #TheHolyFlame