THE HOLY FLAME - "The wicked purged, and the penitent purified" #WordsToLiveBy #TheGloryofGod #TheHolyFlame


Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Hear and seek to understand: The Word of God is fire, each word a burning flame in the midst of an immense fire. The countenance of The Lord is a fire, and a flame within a fire. The glory of The Lord is perfect, a pure light... A flame within a flame, a fire engulfing all creation!

YAHUWAH is One; and His name, One! His name is in Him and is Him. YAHUWAH is His name, and His name is One with Him. They are not separate, but one, even as The Father and The Son are One... A flame within a flame, within an immense fire. YAHUWAH has no beginning and no end, Even as His name... Therefore nothing is outside YAHUWAH, For His being is infinite... And those who pass outside creation Enter into His eternal glory, Or are burned up in His devouring fire, In His everlasting flame. Therefore, no one may come to The Father except through The Son, YAHUSHUA, The Purifying Flame. For only The Holy Flame may dwell within The Fire, for YAH is holy. And all those void of The Flame will consume away; they shall cease to exist. For ALL must pass through the fire, ALL are subject to the power of The Flame... The wicked purged, and the penitent purified."
