A RETURN TO THE GARDEN - "The mystery of God revealed, the counting of days no more..." #AReturntotheGarden #TheKingdomofGod #Heaven
THE VOLUMES OF TRUTH: A Return to the Garden
"Thus says The Lord: Behold, The Morning Star is risen, the universe is filled with His glory! And that glory shall abide with men, even in them and among them. I shall be a Father unto them, and they shall be My beloved children, forever... Lo, a return to innocence, paradise lost is paradise found, a return to the garden, the universe your playground. Thus as I have spoken, so shall it be done: The mystery of God revealed, The counting of days no more... Forever young in the presence Of your Shepherd, your Redeemer, Your Father, your Brother, Your Most Beloved Friend, The Fulfillment of all things For which your hearts have groaned... I AM THE MEANING OF LIFE!... And all who live in Me, and I in them, WILL LIVE FOREVER!"
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