WONDERFUL - "WONDERFUL is His name! WONDERFUL are His ways!" #WordsToLiveBy #TheGloryofGod #Psalms

"The power of The Lord is without end! His love covers His creation like a blanket, and the light of His glory reaches beyond the stars of heaven! His majesty is beyond comprehension; it transcends space and time!... The Everlasting is His name! The express image of The Holy is revealed, He is known of His own! His glory shines from the east even unto the west... The Sh’khinah of The Father’s only Son! WONDERFUL is His name! WONDERFUL are His ways! He wears TRUTH as a garment, and GLORY is His vesture, and LOVE is His crowning glory! All life proceeds from Him; He holds all things together by the Word of His power! His way is from everlasting, And with His mouth He testifies To the Truth, always!... Therefore, let us testify also; The Father and The Son are One! ONE!... YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH!"

