These questions were asked of The Lord: Lord, is capital punishment OK? Are those who are cremated lost? #CapitalPunishment #ThePenaltyofSin #TheDayofTheLord
"Thus says The Lord: The penalty of sin is death. Thus all who have sinned shall surely die, all shall lie down in death. Yet there is a people who shall not sleep, nor shall they lie down in death; a people who shall be awake at My coming, a people who have received of the divine gift, a people who know Me and in whom I am known, for I see of Myself within them. They shall be lifted up, not preceding those who have fallen asleep in Messiah. This is the first harvest and resurrection. For there is but One Way, One Truth, and One Life; from the beginning, there is but One.
Yet there is one who is cast down, who goes about to and fro in all the earth, perpetuating lies and spreading forth abomination, leading many away from the Truth. From the very beginning, satan was a deceiver and a murderer; he has never been on the side of truth. From the beginning, he has sought to ensnare My people and destroy My nation. For the heart of man is easily swayed, on account of his flesh he becomes entangled. Thus his idolatries are many, and his adulteries have no end.
Behold, hand in hand they march toward their destruction, embracing lies and rejecting Truth, as they parade their transgressions openly in the streets. For the wisdom of the wise has perished, and the knowledge of the prudent has turned to dust. For the people are void, they all have itching ears. As cattle to the slaughter, or as a bird hastens to the snare, they give heed to those of clever words, failing to perceive it will cost them their life. Therefore the mouth of Sheol is open, the pit is dug deep, and the generation of My wrath shall surely be cast into it! Indeed, they shall all walk through the valley, until death comes to claim them and the grave hides them away, says The Lord."
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