Words To Live By 108: "Remembering the Ascension, Looking to the Blessed Hope" #TheVolumesofTruth

 #WordsToLiveBy #TheBlessedHope #Psalms

"That which was bitter shall be made sweet, and that which brought tears of sadness shall be turned to great rejoicing. For indeed The Bridegroom was taken from them, and has been a long time in coming. Yet those who have waited with all eagerness shall have their hope realized, and those who watched with steadfast trust shall not be put to shame; neither shall those who have fallen asleep be disappointed.

For the Bride shall have her heart’s desire,
And My prophets their due reward...

For all those who belong to Me have tasted,
And behold, My prophets have surely seen...

Says The Lord."

Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️
