#AWarningfromGod #LettertoTheChurches #TheLordsRebuke
"Am I not The Lord God who sees, The One who knows? Yet My people hide their faces from Me, and cover their shame in an effort to appear righteous before men. Do I not search the hearts and minds, even to the innermost? Therefore who is it you seek to please, and for what cause do you wear all this fine apparel? For what reason do you wear these masks and cover your heads? For what purpose is this masquerade?!
For I tell you the truth, the sluggard is at ease among you, the so-called faithful worship themselves, and the supposed devout follow after men!
Am I not The Lord? And if I am The Lord your God, then how is it you seek after vain glories and refuse to accept Me as I am?! For vanity is a rope, and pride builds the gallows. Is not Haman your brother and Cain your close friend? And of their reward you have made yourselves fully worthy!
Is not wisdom justified by her children and wickedness the delight of fools? For I tell you the truth, death is at the door and the pit is dug deep, Gei-Hinnom waits patiently and Sheol is made ready, and the wicked shall be cast into it! THE EVIL OF HEART SHALL SURELY DESCEND INTO IT!
For death and wickedness are married, and the grave is never full. By evil deeds do the wicked consummate their union, by their every word do they confirm their agreement, until the fire consumes them and darkness hides them away. For the place of the deceased is known, yet those consumed by the fire shall never be found. They shall cease to exist, their names blotted out forever."
~ Says The Lord God
*Also See ANSWERS ONLY GOD CAN GIVE - THERE IS NO OTHER - Regarding Pride - God Speaks Regarding Covetousness - New Heights in Wickedness - Regarding the First Death - Regarding the Second Death *Bible/Letter Study - The State of the Dead and The Fate of the Wicked
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