BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN ME (with voice over) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #TheBlessed #Beatitudes #WordsToLiveBy

"Blessed are those who never lost the pearl,
But held it close their whole life.

I am not a god of force, for that which I give 
Must be received with gladness...

And oh how blessed are those 
Who have truly received,
For a multitude of joy awaits them... 

Soon lifted up, high upon healing wings!

Blessed are those who believe without seeing;
They have received their reward.

Blessed are those who put their trust 
In God and abide in His Son...

For they shall receive 
Blessing upon blessing, grace upon grace, 
And wisdom with all trust.

Blessed are those who believe in Me...

Even more blessed are those who 
Embrace Me fully and walk in My ways,
For they shall fly away.

Beloved, I have saved you already, 
Having sent The Lamb of God
Slain from the foundation of the world;
He was come into the world, 
And you would not receive Him...

Blessed are those who have received Him; 
Grace covers them. 

Behold, He is coming again, 
And He have I poured out on every nation,
Yet you are offended in Him...

Blessed are the thirsty, 
Who have drunk deeply from His cup;
They are filled with His glory. 

Behold, He shall call out, He shall surely gather,
Yet you will neither see nor hear Him...

Blessed are those who have 
Eyes to see and ears to hear;
For they shall surely be gone from this place.

As there is only One Way 
And only One Truth and only One Life, 
There can be only One Wisdom also... 

Blessed are all those who choose Him.

Blessed are the feet of those
Who bring the Gospel of The Messiah
To the hungry and thirsty... 

Even more blessed are those 
Who eat and drink
Of that which is offered them.

Blessed are the pure in heart, 
For they shall surely behold My face.

Blessed are those who watch 
And wait eagerly for My coming...

Blessed are their eyes, 
Though they have yet to see,
For they have understood... 

Blessed are their feet also, 
For they walk along the highway 
Called Holy, and do not tarry...

Lo, they follow close behind Me, 
Going wheresoever I lead them... 

Behold, they have passed
From judgment into life,
And I have provided The Way.

YahuShua is The Gift, 
Whom you call Christ and Jesus... 

Blessed are those who know and accept Him.

There is only one name under Heaven,
By which you must be saved... 

And oh how blessed are those 
Who put their trust in Him."

The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️ 
