Section 2 of 5: ALL HAVE ENTERED IN (From: The Generation of Wrath) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #AWarningfromGod #TheDayofTheLord #TheWrathofGod

"...Therefore, thus says The Lord God: Behold the generation of My wrath! Look upon this great multitude of wicked and deceived peoples; look deep into this darkness! Take a lantern and search, go from house to house, and see if there is one who remembers The Way! See if there are any who know Me, if there is one who embraces Me as I truly am! 
And yet the people say, “Where has all this darkness come from, and for what cause has all this violence come upon us? For what reason is all this devastation come upon us?!” Is this not the Day which was spoken of? Says The Lord. Is this not the Day prophesied throughout the generations, even from the beginning, that it should come? Is this not the Day of Clouds and Thick Darkness?! For I tell you the truth, it has come, all have entered in!

Behold, the outcry of the prophets has 
Come forth, the Word of The Lord is here!...

It comes to pass before your eyes,
It increases and fills the earth!...

Therefore, hear the Word of The Lord and give heed! 
Hear the Word of The Lord from aforetime, and of this day! 
Hear the Call and the Testimony, and tremble 
In fear at the Proclamation of The Lord!...

For the decree is sent down; 
Judgment is set and ready to be poured out!..."

From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️
