Section 1 of 5: THE WAY OF THE LORD IS NOT KNOWN (From: The Generation of Wrath) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #AWarningfromGod #TheDayofTheLord #TheWrathofGod

"Thus says The Lord of Hosts, to the generation of wrath: You know not the anger of The Lord, nor of My jealousy which burns in the fierceness of My wrath! For the Way of The Lord is not known, and the atrocities committed against the innocent you have hidden from your eyes; you refuse to see! Therefore calamity shall not cease from before your eyes, and destruction shall increase in every corner! Destruction from on high shall increase before you, and the wrath of God shall chase you from behind! The strength of your heart shall give way, and you shall lie down heavily, until death comes to take you and darkness closes in. And still the Way of The Lord is not known. Not one has heard the weeping of The Holy One, no one thirsts. Who has come out to drink? Who has eaten from this Tree? Who, among this lying generation, has opened their mouth in truth?! Who among you sees? Who among you knows? My messengers know, and My prophets have seen; behold, upon their lips I have placed the Word of Truth. And still the Way of The Lord is not known! For the prophets of The Lord are hated, and those who call of themselves Christian persecute and slander My messengers without cause! Behold, My faithful servants are hated by My own people, and in the world they are cast off with rarely a mention! For the Way of The Lord is not known, and the fear of The Lord is forgotten!... This generation has no love for God in their hearts!..."
