BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO SEEK ME (More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #TheBlessed #Beatitudes #WordsToLiveBy

"Blessed are all those with Their heads raised toward Heaven, Who do continually look up In anticipation of My coming... They shall surely be gone from this place! † Blessed are the wise who wait and watch, And see these things come to pass During their generation... Blessed are the faithful, For they shall be lifted up. † Blessed is the one who finds his way to Me, Without the hindrances of men. † Blessed are those who diligently Seek after God, for they will surely find Me... But know this, I am also He who Corrects and disciplines those He loves. † Blessed is the man who comes to Me Ashamed of his trespasses, whose heart Is full of grief on account of his sins, For I am faithful to forgive his sins... Indeed I shall lift him up, And set his feet upon hallowed ground."

The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️

The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior - Full Playlist ðŸŽ¬
