Words To Live By: INTRODUCTION - Excerpt from "The Word of My Mouth" & Matthew 4:4 #TheVolumesofTruth

 #WordsToLiveBy #WordsofWisdom #dedication

"For all those who have dedicated Themselves to Me by means of The Truth, Those who have recognized My words And also do them... Those who came to Me empty That I might fill them up, That they might be truly dedicated to Me... Even as I had dedicated Myself to them also, That we may become one... Set apart in My glory, for My glory, To the joy of their Father in Heaven, Says The Lord YahuShua." "Behold, My words shall never pass away. For as I am, so also is My Word. For it proceeds from Me, being manifest by He Who Is True, also being called The Word... Living... Always feeding His flock The Word, which is written for their nourishment, which is to be received through that part of Himself which is also in Me, says The Lord God." ~ [From “The Word of My Mouth”] ______ "It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, But by every word that proceeds From the mouth of God.” ~ [Matthew 4:4]
