Words To Live By 3-5 "Crowning Glory, The Spirit of Truth Brings Conviction & The First Stitch" #TheVolumesofTruth

#WordsToLiveBy #WordsofWisdom #Proverbs

Crowning Glory

The love of God is His crowning glory... And that love is revealed in the glory of The Son, By which His beloved are also crowned. ______ The Spirit of Truth Brings Conviction This question was asked of The Lord, regarding Luke 15:11-32: Lord, have I become hard like the older son? Have I put my hand to tasks, and forgotten to build up compassion for those who have gone astray? Is this story meant to convict me, Lord? [The Lord answered] If your heart is convicted, Then has it not also given answer To your prayer already, Revealing the Spirit which dwells Within you, of what sort it is?... For only the Spirit of Truth will bring forth Conviction unto righteousness, Bearing much fruit in The Beloved... Says The Lord. ______ The First Stitch The first stitch, to mend any rent, Are the words “I’m sorry”... Says The Lord."
