#AWarningfromGod #ProphecyAgainstAmerica #UnitedStates
From The Lord, Our God and Savior
"Did you think you had received, being blessed in this land, of yourselves?! Behold, it was I, even I who had done it, even according to the desire of your forefathers who came seeking to build a nation of freedom, building it upon My Word and My foundations written in the Scriptures of Truth, resting solidly upon My Law, the bedrock by which all shall govern themselves. Yet you turned, and desecrated and corrupted My name for your own glory, taking that which is Mine and calling it your own!
Sons of men, of this nation once called of itself “One Nation Under God,” I DO NOT KNOW YOU! Neither do any of these churches, built up and named of men, seek My face in truth; nor do they walk in My ways, even to the utter forsaking of My Law! Thus I have declared My judgment and will also bring it to pass, I have purposed it and will also do it, for all your forsaking of Me and My Law.
Behold, I had written it upon your hearts, yet you have scraped off the writing, leaving you broken and desolate, scarred and void of the Spirit. For whosoever comes speaking against My Word, or against My prophets, shall be left utterly desolate. Even from those who cast stones at them, in open or in secret, have I removed My hand already.
Oh My children, oh My beloved children, you have turned from Me and cast your lot with satan; from My glory you are far removed! Oh My sleeping children, awaken from this darkness and open your eyes! For there is but One Way before you, only One Escape from all these things wrought in My fury; Only One Highway to travel, Only One Path to tread, Only One Ladder to Heaven! Even from the foundation of the world, there has been but One: One Way, One Truth and One Life![4] CALL ON HIS NAME! For He is called Jesus The Christ, Yeshua The Messiah; His name, YahuShua HaMashiach, the only name under Heaven by which you must be saved.[5]
Behold, the Day has come, even ten days of sorrow,
Of great wailing and gnashing of teeth...
Bitter tears...
[4]↑ John 14:6
[5]↑ Acts 4:12
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