Section 3 of 3: A GREAT TRUMPET (From: My Word Is Fire! - Volume 7) #TheVolumesofTruth

#MyWordisFire #ALetterfromGod #TheDayofTheLord

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"...Therefore, thus says The Lord to all people: You shall be undone, and all who rebel against Me shall be torn in pieces! And you, even you who are called Christian, you also shall be tried! For as silver purified in the furnace seven times, so shall I purify you until I have burned away the dross, until you also become a holy people set apart for My name, grafted in. For I must refine My people and separate My flocks, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, as the hired man calls them out from amongst them. For I am The Shepherd, and in My servants I shall surely dwell. Yet you refuse to come out, therefore you shall surely endure the consequence of your error. For you continue to hold fast in your pride, and sit still on account of your arrogance, saying, “This is my house, and these are my people by which I am called; I will not come out! For we alone are righteous, and we together will not give heed to any trumpet. We will reject every call to come out, we will refuse all messengers sent to us by God, lest He expose our guilt and uncover our shame. For only those who come in their own names, and bear the marks of our affiliation, will be embraced. And only those who bring us food, according to our own palates, will be accepted. Let us alone!” Has The Lord’s table become contemptible in your eyes?! Has The Way of God become unrecognizable to you?! How is it My voice has become altogether foreign to you, O churches of men?! Therefore, thus says The Lord to the churches of men: Because you have spoken in such a manner, with your hearts revealing the same, and because you have pushed out the hand against the cleansing of The Lord, choosing rather to revel in all your uncleanness, you are given up and shall be purged by fire, refinement in the Day of The Lord! For The Lord your God is a consuming fire, My every word a purifying flame! The presence of The Lord is an oppressive storm, which abases the proud and causes the high-minded to flee! And that which I have spoken to this generation, is it not a sword by which I shall strike to the heart of this people?! For I shall surely set all these crooked paths straight and burn away the dross! Yet for those who trust in Me and in whom My spirit Dwells, My words are like a strong tower set in the midst Of battle, which can in no wise be broken down... A great trumpet blowing upon the hill outside The city, echoing throughout the waste places; A waving banner for this generation, a bright light, A beacon shining in the midst of this present darkness... A rod of justice for the oppressed and the persecuted, A loosening of the chains, the breaking apart of every shackle!... Freedom for those who love Me, deliverance for those Who understand, strength for the weak, grace to the humble... Manna to nourish the penitent... Says The Lord."
