Section 2 of 3: "I HAVE STRUCK THE GATES AND RATTLED THE DOORS!" (From: My Word Is Fire! - Volume 7) #TheVolumesofTruth
#MyWordisFire #ALetterfromGod #TheVolumesofTruth
"...Therefore I ask you, what is this I see amongst My flocks, yes, even among you, the small of My flock? Pretense upon pretense, hidden agendas and darkness of faces[1], many ill sheep looking to tread the line, forsaking My ways when they become inconvenient, fleeing in heart and mind when the heat of My face is revealed; a most wayward people, foolish children who know not My ways, turning their face always from My correction!
And what is this I hear amongst the churches of men? What is this I behold in the hearts of many, even within the hearts of some in this little flock?! Grumbling and secret complaints! Behold, My own beloved have reproached Me, saying, “Speak not the Word of The Lord in the fierceness of His wrath, nor in truths which are absolute; remove from us all these sharp words. Speak to us smooth words, prophesy to us deceits. Let us be at peace in our ignorance, and take solace in the darkness of our understanding. Let all accountability be far removed, that we may go our own way.”
Therefore am I risen up in My hot displeasure, therefore have I opened My mouth to speak, until every heart is brought forward, until every evil thought and hidden intention is revealed and brought into the light, until ALL is put on open display! For those who say they are My people are not My people! They have surely rejected Me, says The Lord, hating both Me and My Word!
Yet I have indeed bestowed upon this generation a multitude of gifts, a great number of words, words of warning and unsurpassed wisdom, words of exaltation and correction, calling all in the earth to repent. Lo, I have expounded many words of unending love, with great passion, revealing My Mercy which endures forever. Behold, I have proclaimed the way of salvation, time and time again, and He whose name is The Salvation of God!
Yes, I have blown the trumpet and called forth My watchmen, I have struck the gates and rattled the doors, I have shaken the foundations of the earth! And still the people hold fast, clutching the pillars and shoring up the doors against Me! Yet from the beginning I established the line, a narrow way which I had placed in the midst of My people, Israel. And in My mercy, I revealed The Way in which My people should walk. Behold, even now I have placed a plumb line in the midst of all people, setting all these crooked paths straight. For I am The Lord, and I do not change.
Or do you still think that I have come forth to
Bring peace on earth? No, not peace, but great division!...
Behold, I have come forth to correct and discipline, to rebuke
And pass judgment, to make war and divide the spoils!...
Stoking the flames of the elect and searing the consciences
Of the lukewarm, setting the hearts of the wicked
Ablaze with anger and causing the indignation
Of the rebellious to rise up against Me, that I may
Divide all people asunder and allot them their portions!...
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