Section 1 of 3: "THE GOD OF ISRAEL, THE ONLY GOD" (From: My Word Is Fire!) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #TheGodofIsrael #TheOnlyGod #Israel

"Thus says The Lord God of Hosts: Behold, I had purified My servant, Israel, and in My zeal I purged Jacob, leaving his descendants to wander in desolate lands forty years, that I might make them a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, a people set apart for My name. For I am God alone, The Only Lord of Hosts; there is none besides Me. Therefore, from the beginning I laid the foundations, and from the beginning was the Day of The Lord prepared, that My power may be revealed in My judgments and My glory in My zeal, that all in the earth may know and remember, I AM THE LORD. For behold, at My strong rebuke was the mighty king cast down. And with the backward swipe of My hand the increase of Egypt was laid waste, consumed by all manner of pestilence and plague. For in My anger I greatly afflicted the people in the land of Egypt, even to the firstborn of man and beast, which I killed with death. Yet Israel, My inheritance, remained untouched by My hand, nor did I allow them to be harmed in My judgment, though My wrath covered all of Egypt and pestilence and plague inundated the land. Lo, even death passed over them when I saw the blood upon their doorposts. Thus by the power of My own right hand I delivered them, and by the strength of My arm did I bring them out. And when their enemies pursued them, I rose up and fought for My people, Israel. Behold, by the breath of My nostrils I opened a way for them in the midst of the sea, and they escaped, crossing over dry-shod, while the waters stood roiling on the right and on the left. And when I had brought them through to safety, I looked down upon the army of the Egyptians and greatly troubled them; behold, I covered them in My anger, and crushed them under the weight of the sea. Thus the slaughter was very great, causing all who heard of it to tremble. Behold, I caused My name to resound throughout the generations on that day, that all nations may fear The Lord and know, there is no other god besides Me. Yet how did My people repay Me?! With grief! Yea, with a multitude of complaints they troubled Me, until I was sorely displeased! Behold, ten times they tempted The Lord their God, though I had shown them My glory by many mighty signs and wonders in the land of Egypt and in the wilderness! Therefore, because they rejected Me and refused to give heed to My voice, I stretched out My hand against them. Yes, many were cut off from the earth and from their people, among the generation who had provoked Me to anger. And not one entered into their inheritance save those whose hearts held fast to the promise, whose countenances did not waver. For they were of a different spirit and had shown themselves fully worthy; neither did they cease from giving Me glory, offering up praise and thanksgiving in My name, at all times and in every season. Therefore, only two sons of Israel entered the promised land, of the generation who had provoked Me to anger; only two were chosen to lead the generation which came after. For I am The Lord God of Israel, The Only God, He who is great in power and clothed with eternal glory! I CHANGE NOT! Even from generation to generation, I AM THE LORD.

*Also See ANSWERS ONLY GOD CAN GIVE - THERE IS NO OTHER - I Am The Lord, I Do Not Change - Regarding Israel
