REMOVING THE VEIL - "Those who receive of Me begin to see with eyes wide open..." #TheVolumesofTruth

 #WordsToLiveBy #TheVolumesofTruth #Amos3

"Thus says The Lord: Those who receive of Me begin to see with eyes wide open, with the deafness of their ears healing quickly. Yet those who have not received rely upon the spirit of men to discern, and stumble greatly; rejecting My Word spoken to this generation, while at the same time polluting My Word from aforetime; firmly securing the veil which remains atop their heads, covering their faces in an attempt to hide their shame. Therefore, I have spoken it and shall Say it again before this perverse And most wicked generation, Though they can in no wise bear to hear it... I AM COME![1] THE TIME IS HERE!... And behold I, The Lord your God, Will do nothing until I have revealed My plans to My servants, the prophets... And this I have done."

[1] - I AM COME

*Also See ANSWERS ONLY GOD CAN GIVE - Regarding The Volumes of Truth - Amos 3:7 in The Volumes of Truth - Regarding Prophets (True) - Regarding the Day of The Lord
