Words To Live By 14-16 "A Wise Guide, The True Jew & Finishing the Race" #TheVolumesofTruth

 #WordsToLiveBy #WordsofWisdom #Proverbs

"A Wise Guide One who endeavors to teach My flock, Using the Word of My own mouth, Must grow very wise in the hearing And must be wide awake in the Spirit... Discerning... Says The Lord. ______ The True Jew This question was asked: What is the definition of a true Jew? [The Lord answered] The definition of a true Jew is this: YahuShua. Therefore, all those in whom I dwell are Jews indeed. For they are true, even as I am true... Let none, therefore, bring even one railing accusation against MY olive tree! Says The Lord. ______ Finishing the Race It is the man who endures through the pain, And perseveres through every obstacle, Who finishes the race... Yet the man who surrenders all to The Lord Will fly with eagle’s wings."
