Words To Live By 11-13 "Matters of the Heart, What Is Pure? & The Spirit of Unity" #TheVolumesofTruth
#WordsToLiveBy #WordsofWisdom #Proverbs
"Matters of the Heart The wailing of the penitent Brings forth healing; Yet the words of the wicked Cause only pain... Love flows outward from The hearts of the righteous; Yet the love of the wicked Grows cold, as hate enters in. ______ What Is Pure? Giving thanks to God In My name is pure worship; Yet the wicked man Demands honor for himself... The heart of a child is pure, Yet the heart of the mature is corrupt... Says The Lord YahuShua. ______ The Spirit of Unity The spirit of unity is in Me, walking in My footsteps... Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you; remembering that all you do to others, whether good or bad, you have done also to Me. Have I not spoken to this already, in the Gospel of My servant, John? For I said to love one another, and to wash each other’s feet, and that you can do nothing apart from Me. Therefore be one in Me, Even as I long to be one with you, Even as The Father and I are One... That our love may be made perfect in One... You in Me, I in you, To the joy of The Father... Says The Lord YahuShua."
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