Section 3 of 3: "NEW HEIGHTS IN WICKEDNESS" (From: The Last Trump) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #TheLastTrump #AWarningfromGod #TheDayofTheLord

"Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, for thus declares The Lord: Travesty, great travesty is coming and is already here; even the abomination which causes desolation shall be revealed. Atrocities and war shall increase, perversions of every kind shall reach unto new heights in wickedness, as injustice upon injustice is perpetrated in every land, to the rending of the hearts of all people. Thus I have declared the Day and set the hour: JUDGMENT for all who fight against Me! RECOMPENSE for all who harm My little ones or persecute My messengers! REFINEMENT for those who refuse to embrace Me as I truly am!... Yet glory for those who glory in Him who gave His life as a ransom, deliverance for those who obey The Son, sanctuary for the innocent. Therefore love The Lord your God With your whole heart, and find sanctuary In The One through whom you were made... Kiss The Son!... For He alone is The Loving Mercy of God, Your only Salvation... The Way, The Truth, The Life."

*Also See ANSWERS ONLY GOD CAN GIVE - Regarding the Day of The Lord - New Heights in Wickedness - The Way, The Truth, The Life
