Section 1 of 3: "COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM" (From: The Last Trump) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #AWarningfromGod #TheMessiah #TheDayofTheLord

"I AM COME![1] Says The Lord. Therefore arise and give answer, O peoples of the earth! Who is the face and image of The Invisible God?! Who?! It is He I have sent, The One who is and was and is to come! Behold, He shall wait no longer, for the Day of The Lord is at hand and the time appointed draws near! For The Son of Man shall enter in and gather them together, He shall surely pass through and prepare the harvest - HE SHALL REAP! Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord: My spirit is poured out. My watchmen are called, My prophets sent; they prepare My way before Me. And if you are willing to receive it, they are John and Elijah, My witnesses, even 144,000; and behold, they shall surely baptize with My Word and fire. Who else shall I send?! Who will go for Me?! Who will noise in the four corners and shout from the rooftops? WATCHMEN, stand up and blow the Trumpet! For the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord draws near... PEOPLES OF THE EARTH, repent and be spared! For The Thief is about to enter the house and take His spoil; Behold, He has entered the hearts of the penitent already, And has but to call out, and they shall be snatched away... CHURCHES OF MEN, let My people go! For The Master is coming quickly, and He shall surely Purge every temple and tear down every house, Which pollutes My name and desecrates The glory of My majesty... Therefore do not wait, beloved ones, COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM! For the Day of Judgment is at hand."

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

[1] ↑


- The Messiah - Regarding the Day of The Lord - Regarding the 144,000 Witnesses - Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture") - Regarding the Churches of Men
