From: REMEMBER THE SABBATH AND YOUR GOD AND HE SHALL REMEMBER YOU (From: A Return to the Garden) #TheVolumesofTruth

 #AReturntoTheGarden #TheSabbath #TheFourthCommandment

"...Thus says The Lord: Concerning the Sabbath, the seventh day of each week, Saturday is the day you shall remember and keep holy. Yes, you shall keep it holy and rest... Thus those who remember the Sabbath honor Me, and those who rest on the Sabbath rest in Me, as they look to the Day. For I had set the seventh day apart, and sanctified it, from the beginning.[10] Thus it has been a sign between Me and My people, even to this day, and so shall it remain forever. For as I spoke to the children of Israel, saying, “Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am The Lord who sanctifies you,”[11] so also do I speak to you, even to all who are grafted in. For those who obey My Commandments remain in My love,[12] and those who remember My Sabbaths keep My company, for The Holy One of Israel dwells in the midst of them. For I long for My children to be with Me where I am, I am eager to return them to the Garden, that we may once again walk together in the cool of the day.[13] Therefore remember the Sabbath, and I shall remember you. Bless the Sabbath, and I shall bless you. Love one another, as I have loved you. Put away your works, look not to the cares of this world, and let go of your worries on the Sabbath day; spare yourselves the weight of all these troubles for just one day. Let all your thoughts dwell upon your God and Savior, and consider; yea, let your mind be filled with wonder and awe over the works of My hands. For even The Lord your God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, rested on the seventh day.[14] So then bear your cross six days, and let The Lord carry it on the seventh. Rejoice and be merry, for this is My will for you. Then when evening comes, and the sun dips below the horizon, you may once again return to that which you choose to take up, whether it be the plow or the shears. But see that you do not take up your hand in sin, and be wary of those who do. Be separate, and stand apart from those who forsake the Sabbath and push out the hand against My Holy Days. For My Sabbaths are holy, a blessing, a time to reflect on those things I have prepared for those who love Me... And behold, the Day is coming quickly When The Rightful King shall rule... And His Kingdom shall be a Sabbath, Even one thousand years; His reign, forever and ever!... For The Lord has spoken, and so shall it be: On earth as in Heaven.[18]" [10]↑ Genesis 2:3 [11]↑ Exodus 31:13 [12]↑ John 15:10 [13]↑ Genesis 3:8 [14]↑ Genesis 2:3 [18]↑ Matthew 6.10
