#TheTruthAbsolute #Faith #TheVolumesofTruth
Section 4 of 4: "REMEMBER MY WORDS" (From: The Truth Absolute)
"Thus says The Lord, The Risen One: Therefore, I call My beloved ones to be sober and vigilant, because their enemy, the adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he might devour. Behold, he stalks his prey and grabs hold by that which dwells within their hearts. Therefore, beloved, take every thought captive and resist the devil. Believe not the lies, nor give into fear, nor doubt; be steadfast, immovable, abounding in faith. For I am with you. For as it is written: I am the image of The Invisible God, The Firstborn over all creation. By Me were all things created, both visible and invisible, in the heavens and on earth. Whether thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers, all things that are and were created were created through Me and for Me. I am before all things, and in Me all things consist.
Therefore, give heed to My words and understand. For as I had spoken to My friends in times past, so now do I also speak to you. For the time has come and is coming and is already here, when all signs and wonders shall be made manifest, when all prophecy shall be fulfilled. Rejoice, for your redemption draws near! And though the time of great sorrows has come in, hold fast, for these days shall be shortened... No more pain, no more tears, no more death, all sorrows passing away, rebirth, a time of refreshing which shall never end. Therefore, remember My words and have peace: One God... One Son, The Only Way to The Father... One Truth, One Word, One Messiah, One Spirit; One Food, One Bread and One Drink... One Body... Of which I am all, The All in All... Amen."
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