WTLB 31-35 The Companion of Fools - Deliverance - Trust Obey & Love - Who You Are - Who You Choose #WordsToLiveBy #WordsofWisdom #Proverbs

Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior 

The Companion of Fools Unrighteous jealousy is the companion of fools... For those who envy also grab hold of jealousy, Walking hand in hand with covetousness. ______ Deliverance Blessed are those who run to Me, For they shall be blessed in My presence... Even more blessed are those Who run to Me, then obey My Word; For their blessing is complete And they are at peace... Deliverance they shall surely know... Says The Lord. ______ Trust, Obey, and Love Trust with abandonment, Obey without expectation, And love without condition... For in this shall you truly know Me, With your faith progressing Quickly toward perfection... Says The Lord. ______ Who You Are Who you are at home reveals The person you remain... Therefore, do not be as the hypocrite Who has two faces, for I see all your doings, I know your heart... For by a man’s actions is his heart revealed, And by his mouth is he defined before others... Says The Lord YahuShua. ______ Who You Choose Here is wisdom: Who you choose, not what You choose, is the answer; For who you choose Defines what you do... And whosoever chooses another, And not Me in truth, Has chosen themselves, And has done according To their own will... Says The Lord YahuShua."
