Words To Live By 39-41 "Evident, The Meek and the Foolish & Walking in The Word" #WordsToLiveBy #wordsofwisdom #Proverbs

 Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Evident If wisdom is justified by her children, Then the folly of fools is evident And the way of the wicked is death... Yet the humility of the meek shall hide them In the Day of The Lord’s Anger. ______ The Meek and the Foolish The wise are quiet and know when to speak, And the humble are barely noticed... Yet the prideful announce Themselves as with a trumpet, And the plight of the slothful Is made plain by their complaint. ______ Walking in The Word Rejoice in the wisdom of The Lord, And find joy in His correction... For only those who have received Of the Spirit of Truth are able to see, And only those who love The Truth Are able to hear... Yet only those who embrace The Messiah fully, who also write His words upon their hearts, Will do them... And peace, the kind of which Only The Lord can give, Shall be their companion."

*Also See ANSWERS ONLY GOD CAN GIVE: http://answersonlygodcangive.com
