WALKING TOGETHER IN THE FATHER'S JOY - "Choosing the good and refusing the evil" #WordstoLiveBy #Psalms #Proverbs

"Blessed is the man who gives out of the abundance of his heart. For one such as this gives, knowing in his heart that all he has is Mine and all I have is his, given and received according to the knowledge of My will for those who believe. For this man knows what it is to be My servant. He is bound by nothing, a man who walks free in all the earth, blessing the name of The Lord his God with enduring trust. Therefore those who give out of obligation know not the joy of The Lord, nor of the freedom which comes by service, helping others in My name. Yet the servant whose heart leaps with joy At the thought of washing the feet of the poor, Who also eagerly seeks out the afflicted, To give them comfort, knows that whatsoever They do for another they have also done for Me... For these know Me, and I live in them... And together we shall walk, Choosing the good and refusing the evil, Until we walk together anew in My kingdom... Says The Lord."

