Section 11: GIVE ANSWER, O CHURCHES OF MEN - "Test your hearts by the line which is true..."

"Therefore, again I say to you, test your hearts by the line which is true, by the line which I have given you. No longer tempt The Lord your God, nor claim My ways unfair or My judgments unjust. Am I unfair? Is The Lord your God unjust? Or are your hearts so corrupt, that you can no longer discern your right hand from your left? Are your heads so covered with blackness, that your eyes can no longer penetrate this darkness which surrounds you? For I tell you the truth, you have blocked My way before Me by your traditions, and have covered My righteousness with filthy rags of doctrine! Behold, I am hidden from your eyes! Therefore give answer, O churches of men, where am I found? Do I stand upon your pulpits? Am I seen only in your images of stained glass? Am I bent down and overlain with a cloth, which you call the altar? Am I a god found only in your rituals? Am I a god of religious sacraments to you?... OR AM I GOD, THE GOD?!... He who defends the cause of the fatherless and the orphan! He who commands His people to provide shelter for the homeless and to uphold the cause of the needy, the aged and the widow! Do I not uphold the scales of truth, weighing all in the balances?! Am I not the discerner of the heart and of the mind, He who knows the innermost thoughts and intentions?! Says The Lord."

