ABOVE REPROACH (Do The Volumes of Truth Agree With the Bible?) - The Lord Himself Answers... #AnswersfromGod #TheVolumesofTruth #NewScriptures

"...I do not change[4]; I shall surely make My plans known.[5] For My spirit has spoken throughout The generations, in its steadfastness and quiet; Yet few have ears to hear, few are willing To open their hearts and receive My correction... Yet now the time has come for those Who say they are My people to be tried, It is time for their works to be tested; For the Word of My mouth shall declare it, And in the Day of The Lord it shall surely be made plain[6]... Every false way exposed, every perverse tradition torn in pieces, Every detestable doctrine crushed beneath the weight of the Truth[7]... Says The Lord. [4] ↑ Malachi 3:6 [5] ↑ Amos 3:7 [6] ↑ 1 Corinthians 3.11-15 [7] ↑ Matthew 21:44

