Words To Live By 52-53 "Believing without Seeing & Freedom" #WordsToLiveBy #Psalms #Proverbs

 Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Believing without Seeing Look not outwardly for that which can only be discerned from within, and search not in the world for that which is not of this world, for I have already come... I dwell within the hearts of men! And My spirit testifies on My behalf! Therefore, let the hungry come to Me and eat! Let the thirsty rush to My side and drink!... And let those who seek Me turn not their heads; Let them be still and listen for My voice... Says The Lord, Your Life. ______ Freedom Demand nothing of Me, And I shall give you everything... Demand everything of yourself, and I will Take it from you, and you shall be set free... Says The Lord YahuShua."
