Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior


From THE VOLUMES OF TRUTH - Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

Text: "Love Has Saved Them Those who were full shall be left empty, So they may be truly filled up; And those who were thought of As first shall be last... Yet those who were forsaken as last Shall be first partakers of The Glory. And those without knowledge Shall be given great knowledge, For Love has saved them... Yet those who had attained Great knowledge shall be Brought down to shame, So they too may be glorified in My presence, for Love has saved them... Says The Lord. ______ Offering a Gift A gift demanded is no gift at all; And anyone forced to receive a gift Never truly receives it. Thus when offering a gift, One does not demand its acceptance, Lest the gift be polluted and a division occur, Causing both to depart offended... Says The Lord. ______ Accepting The Gift What is life without love? And what is love without the Free will to choose love?... I tell you the truth, A gift commanded is no gift at all!... Yet a Gift accepted is where you Shall find life, love and salvation... Says The Lord. ______ Who Do You Serve? No servant is greater than his master... How he serves others Shows the master he serves; How he serves his master Reveals the master within him; And what the master suffers Will his servant suffer also, For he serves in his name. No one can serve two masters... Either he will hate the one And love the other, Or he will be devoted to the one And despise the other... Says The Lord."
