Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior


From THE VOLUMES OF TRUTH - Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

Text: "He who trusts in The Lord shall receive healing wings and soar high above the storm! At the call of The Most High, he shall ascend the heights of the heavens with The Lord beside him! Yea, Beauty shall be his dwelling place, and in the sanctuary of God’s mercy shall he worship He who sits on the throne! In one accord and with one spirit shall all praise The God of Jacob, sharing in the depths of Mashiach, as love flows from one heart to another! For YAHUWAH is God alone, He who laid the foundations of the earth, The One who is and was and is to come, The Almighty!... YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH! Blessed, therefore, are all those who escape!... For they have called upon the name Of The Lord, in sincerity and in truth, And have given up everything to follow Him... Indeed, they have received their reward."
