THE SOWER AND THE REAPER - "Now the time of the harvest is here, relief is very near"... #WordsToLiveBy #Psalms #Proverbs #Rapture


The Volumes of Truth - Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Such troubled children, always divided. None have learned to walk, not one truly knows Me. Yea, darkness is overhead, and many have fallen back to sleep. In the height of summer they withered, under the heat of the noonday sun they became faint and fell down. And now the time of the harvest is here, relief is very near, yet who opens their eyes to look upon Me? Who stands up and bears their burden gladly?... That all might eat and rejoice in their labors, That all might rejoice and give thanks together For the bounty which I have provided... Looking to the day when the plowman Overtakes the reaper, And the treader of grapes Him who sows seed[2]... Says The Lord." [2] ↑ Amos 9:13
