THE SELFLESS SERVANT - "He testifies to the glory of The Lord, without ceasing..." #WordsToLiveBy #Psalms #Proverbs

"The selfless servant shall be filled and put to use in all the earth, dwelling always in the inner courts of My love, where grace and truth flow as a river which never runs dry, partaking of My glory, bearing fruit in kind. For he who dwells in the secret place of The Most High abides in the shadow of The Almighty, and from this servant nothing is withheld. Lo, within him are written The Commandments of God, and engraven upon his heart is the name of love and pure righteousness. In his mind’s eye he sees the holy sacrifice, the salvation of many. With his lips he sings the song of The Lamb, And with his mouth he testifies to the glory Of The Lord, without ceasing... For great is YAHUWAH, his God, And holy is The One who is poured out!... For the mouths of the pure in heart are open, And He shall surely fill them up, Even as a welcomed rain In the height of summer... Says The Lord."

