PURE LOVE (From: A Return to the Garden) #AReturntotheGarden #ALetterfromGod #WordstoLiveBy


From The Volumes of Truth - A Return to the Garden

"The love of man is born from the desires of the flesh and comes forth from a place of longing, to fill a void which remains empty; affections built upon conditions and unrealistic expectations, learned in a world without natural affection... Corrupt. Yet My love is a light which shines in a dark place, warmth which brings peace and healing to those whose hearts have grown cold; a cup overflowing, never-ending, affection in its purest form... Unconditional. Therefore come to Me, beloved, that our hearts may be satisfied! For all those who sincerely long for Me shall surely receive of Me, and all those who obey My voice shall surely walk beside Me, and all those who love Me, above all else, shall know the depths of My Mercy. For I shall take them... And they shall dwell with Me where I am, In The Kingdom of My joy, forever... Says The Lord."

