I NEVER KNEW YOU! - "Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (Section 3)

Text from Section 3: "...Yet many refuse My voice, and will not listen to the sound of this Trumpet. For they plug their ears and hide their faces; they ignore My call and loathe My messengers! - Obstinate children who endeavor to grab hold of My robes with one hand, while pushing Me away with the other! For I reach down to them, with both hands I bend down to embrace them, yet they want no part with Me as I truly am! Behold, I have offered them bread from My own table, manna from Heaven has been sent down to them, and how do they repay Me?! - WITH EVIL! Stomping upon My bread, refusing all manna provided them! Yea, they loathe My correction and break My Commandments, DOING SO IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY ONE! Yes, in MY OWN NAME they do these things! By permission they claim they are free to do all these things! By permission, UNDER GRACE, they excuse themselves, that they might do all this evil in My name!... LAWLESS PEOPLE, PERVERSE AND DEGENERATE GENERATION! Your so-called faith is a loathsome sore upon the skin, a canker upon the lips of all who sing Me praises in your courts! Thus I declare to you, I NEVER KNEW YOU! Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! Says The Lord. Thus says The Lord: Shall you provoke Me to anger?! Shall you forsake The Moral Law, in the name of grace and Him crucified, that you might provoke Me to anger?! I tell you the truth, you know nothing of grace, and the true nature of The Holy One is hidden from your eyes! For your knowledge is useless! Your learned leaders desecrate My name and pollute the minds of My people everyday! And when they heard of My anger, they did not repent, neither were they ashamed, nor did they know how to blush! And when I commanded this Trumpet be blown, did they perk up their ears to listen?! Did they come close to know the heart of the matter?! NO! Instead they mocked and refused to give heed, turning their backs on The Holy One of Israel! Therefore, thus declares The Lord to this Most foolish and perverse generation: YOU SHALL NOT BE LIFTED UP, NOR SHALL YOU ESCAPE THE DAY OF THE LORD!... DEATH SHALL BE YOUR ONLY RELIEF, AND MARTYRDOM YOUR ONLY ESCAPE!... Says The Lord God...." Says The Lord God

