From The Volumes of Truth - A Return to the Garden

From The Volumes of Truth - A Return to the Garden 

Excerpt from "I KNOW MY SHEEP": "...There are none like Me, beloved, nor has there ever been one whose love surpasses understanding, a love without end. For I had paid the ransom from the beginning, a dowry the likes of which has never been seen, a bride price from The God of Heaven. Beloved, I stretched out My hands for you; I bore the weight of your sins, I carried your burdens! Therefore is My grace sufficient for you. Yet you must choose to stand up and walk in Me, relying on My strength in your times of weakness, by which My strength and your trust is made perfect. Have I not said, “In obedience is your love made perfect,” and, “Who you choose, not what you choose, is the answer”? And when you have chosen Me, is it not also your reasonable service to walk in Me? Therefore, again I say, choose... For I am The Only Way, The Only Truth, The Only Life... Says The Lord."
