"Did dinosaurs exist as science suggests?" - THE LORD ANSWERS...


From The Lord, Our God and Savior

Excerpt: "...Indeed the knowledge of man is infinitesimal, when compared with the knowledge of God, coming to nothing before the light of My Glory. For only one proof stands forever, lasting from generation to generation - The Word of God. Therefore give heed, all you who know His name, and come to repentance. For the Day of The Lord approaches, and soon the end sign shall appear, and every eye shall see. What then shall you do, O men of science and learning? Shall you flee to the mountains and hide yourselves in the rocks? Shall you continue to bury your heads in the sand? Your words are wind, your devices dust, and your knowledge of no effect, when confronted with the Glory of God revealed in His Holy One. For He is The Truth Absolute, yes, He who was crucified for your transgressions..." Says The Lord
