Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"The Love of The Truth Truth is self-evident in the eyes Of all those who love The Truth... Indeed, it resounds within the ears of all those Who have received of The Truth, In whom My spirit dwells... Says The Lord. ______ Uncovered Truth is evident in My eyes, And a lie is never hidden... Therefore, let no one place their unrighteous cause upon the backs of the children, when a wrong is accounted only to the one who performed it. Neither let the disobedience of the one be covered over by the needs of the many. For I have seen it; lo, all is known to Me. Therefore, let My people be tested; Let them be refined in the fire!... That the quality of their trust And the endurance of their belief May be revealed... Says The Holy One of Israel."
