THE KING ETERNAL - "There is no other, there is none like Him!"

Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Behold, the footsteps of The Lord shake the earth! The footsteps of The Lord shall tread the winepress of the wrath of His fury! The presence of The Lord shall break apart the tall mountains; His power shall bring down every mountain, every high place shall be brought low! For the presence of The Lord is strong and mighty, and the anger of The Lord is hot and burns in the heat of His jealousy!... Who can turn back The Lord’s anger, once it is kindled? Who can prevent The Most High from performing His will?! Whose glory is like The Lord’s?! Who comes as The King above all kings wearing the raiment of God, whose majesty is beyond compare?!... Who is able to stand in the day of His wrath, or survive the power of His sword which proceeds from His mouth, the day He strikes through the heart of all people and lays His enemies waste, the day every adversary is consumed in the brightness of His coming?! For He is mighty in battle and His justice is swift, His victory absolute! Who is The King of Glory?!... YahuShua HaMashiach, HE is The King of Glory! His power is infinite, His love never-ending!... HE is The King Everlasting, The King of Righteousness!... His grace is shed abroad to Every contrite and humble spirit; His forgiveness is pure, ever-flowing Into the hearts of the penitent, Restoring them to righteousness and life!... Yes, He is The One and Only King Eternal! There is no other, there is none like Him!"
