The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Blessed are those who overcome For My name’s sake... To these is there a place of great honor, Where they shall be placed upon the mantle Of The Lord, in His house, forever. † Blessed are all those who lose their life In this world, for My sake; They have their reward... Yet woe to those who hold fast To their life in this world, For all they have is passing away. † Blessed are all those who patiently endure For My name’s sake... They fulfill the promises. † Blessed is the one who embraces The calling of The Lord wholeheartedly... For a servant such as this lays down his life Each day, bearing his cross after Me... Upon waking he kneels down At the feet of The Lord, With an open heart and open hands... And in this servant My soul delights. † Blessed are those who crucify their lives of old, And present themselves as a Living sacrifice unto God... For their prayers have been received Up to Heaven, for a memorial Before The Holy One of Israel. † There can be no birth apart from travail, For birth is always accompanied By much travail... Yet oh how blessed are those Who persevere with their hearts Fixed upon the goal, enduring the pain, For they shall surely receive their reward. † Blessed is the wise and faithful servant, Who gives no thought to how they are Perceived in the eyes of others; For they obey My voice, and are not Dismayed by the looks of those Who judge without knowledge... Indeed, they seek only to please their Master, Having no need of the approval of others. † Blessed are those who do not return Evil for evil, or reviling for reviling, But rather pray for their enemies... Blessed are those who hold no ill-will In their heart toward another... Indeed, blessed are all those who forgive Everyone who has sinned against them, For great shall be their reward in Heaven."
