I AM CALLING YOU OUT! (PART 1) - Section 7: "It Shall Also Be Fulfilled a Second Time"

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

: "...Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, little flock, perk up your ears and listen, all you who call on My name, for the mouth of The Lord has spoken: Behold, there is a day coming quickly, a day and hour which remains unknown to you, in which I will call you to stop what you are doing that you may come out and worship Me. I will call you to keep this day holy, and you shall do no work, and it shall be to you a Sabbath. And lo, it shall also be fulfilled a second time, says The Lord. On this day, I will call to you through My prophet, and you will come out and worship Me, each in your own house, set apart, with your beloved set apart. And in each household shall it be decided, it shall surely be revealed: Who among you loves Me more than these, more than themselves, more than this world. Yet those who fail to come to Me without condition, even all those who refuse to come out, their ears shall grow dull and they shall be unable to hear, neither shall they escape. For I am The Lord, and this is My will: That one whose flame burns hot, whose love for Me runs deep, now display their love for Me openly. And that one who is neither cold nor hot depart from Me, until the time comes and is fulfilled, that by great distress their flame is stoked and becomes a great fire, glaring in the eyes of the passerby, shining in the midst of the cold dark night. For I search the heart, says The Lord, I alone know the mind. The thoughts of My beloved are known to Me, and the plans of the wicked are not hidden from Me. Behold, I look upon the innermost thoughts, I am aware of every hidden intention. For I am The Lord, He who separated the light from the darkness; from the beginning, I am He who formed it and brought it into the light..." Says The Lord God
