I AM CALLING YOU OUT! (PART 1) - Section 6: "Briers and Thorns"

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"...Oh My beloved, why do you not love Me? How is it you take no pleasure in My Sabbaths, and turn your face from My Holy Days? Beloved, am I not married unto you? Have I not prepared your way before you, that you may come to Me unhindered? Have I not prepared a place for you, that you may be with Me where I am? Beloved, you are My heart’s desire! Yet when I look upon you I see only lukewarm children, lamps with no oil, flowers of the field quickly fading. Beloved, before you came forth from the womb you were Mine, and in your youth I knew you; even in your early years, you remembered Me and knew My face. Yet now you hide your face from Me; under the darkness of the veil your countenance is concealed. For your heart is far removed, and the Way of The Lord you have forgotten... Beloved, when I look into your eyes, I do not see of Myself, My glory has departed! Oh what sadness, bitter grief, the beautiful ones have all gone away, darkness covers the face of the earth! How long shall My people treat Me as one who is made to stand afar off, as one who must wait in an outer room? How then shall the dull of hearing hear My voice and the weak clasp the hem of My robe? Beloved, you have lost your grasp, yet are unaware! Your feet have become entangled amongst briers and thorns, yet you have made no effort to loose them! For who can endure the Day of The Lord? Who is able to stand in the Day of Judgment? Who, in all the earth, is able to pass through the fiery furnace unharmed?!..." Says The Lord God
