From The Lord, Our God and Savior

Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

Perseverance There can be no birth apart from travail, For birth is always accompanied By much travail... Yet oh how blessed are those Who persevere with their hearts Fixed upon the goal, enduring the pain, For they shall surely receive their reward... Says The Lord. ______ One Body This is the way of The Lord... That one in need in My body Be supported by their brothers and sisters, With all members becoming one... One body, in Me... That he who is able to walk in Me Dwell alongside those who are weak, For they are in need of strengthening... Lo, you shall all wash each other’s feet!... Even as I do likewise Through you and amongst you, To the praise of My glory... Says The Lord YahuShua. ______ Devotion Of My servants I require Obedience, with all trust, Pure service in The Lord... An eager servant willing To obey without hesitation, Even when they lack understanding... A humble servant who remains in My love, A disciple who has breathed Me in... A devoted son or daughter Who loves Me more than these... Says The Lord.
