From The Lord, Our God and Savior

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"...Therefore, thus says The Holy One of Israel: Beloved, I have spoken to you firmly, and with a stern voice I have declared the controversy of The Lord; with a multitude of words and unending mercy, I have spoken and shall continue to speak. For I am The Lord, and I do not change. I do what is right, I alone know what is most needful. Thus I have called for a right heart within My servants, for My people to walk in My ways without reservation. Yet no pure works follow. Yes, I have called for works befitting a servant of The Lord. Yet the works of My people last only for a moment, then quickly pass away; works done out of obligation, works without trust, fruitless endeavors performed for the sake of pretense, in a vain effort to keep the door open. For My people have not known Me, neither do they have any love for God in their hearts; self-preservation is their only concern! BELOVED, AWAKE! Awake from your slumber! Awaken your hearts to The Majesty on High! Embrace the full revelation of WHO I AM, of all I have done! For the Word of The Lord flows like water, My love runs pure! Therefore embrace My words and receive of My love, that you may be filled with My spirit, to the bearing of much fruit in The Beloved!..."
