Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Forgive Blessed are those who do not return Evil for evil, or reviling for reviling, But rather pray for their enemies... Blessed are those who hold no ill-will In their heart toward another... Indeed, blessed are all those who Forgive everyone who Has sinned against them... For great shall be their reward in Heaven... Says The Lord. ______ A Heavy Stone Those who refuse My correction are foolish, And must walk through dry places... And those who refuse to repent have Secured their place in the valley of death... For the pride of man is a heavy stone, Which increases by weight each day It remains unbroken... Says The Lord. ______ Insolent Cords Insolent cords bind the proud, And rebellion is a rope by which The foolish hang themselves... Says The Lord."
