I AM GOD - "I am He who formed the earth and all you see in the heavens"

Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"I am He who formed the earth and all you see in the heavens, He who set the foundations and called creation forth by the Word of His power and the vastness of His knowledge, causing all things to be! I made the matrix, and set all things in order; I am He who formed it! I know all the hidden parts; even the most minute detail, by which all things are made, is known to Me! Behold, I see the inward parts; from the innermost depths to that which can not be seen by man, all is known to Me! Before Me is the whole of creation at all times!... No distance is far from Me, No measure is too great for Me And no weight is too heavy... That which is beyond your comprehension Is known to Me each morning, And every evening I behold the Whole of creation and consider... For I am The Lord... YAHUWAH is My name."
