I AM CALLING YOU OUT! (PART 1) - Section 3: "A Sign Between Me and You" (Regarding the Sabbath)

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"...Therefore, thus says The Lord to all those who have ears to hear: Beloved, stand apart from this world in word and by deed. Take your every thought captive that you may be fully set apart. Reveal your love for Me by all you say and do; put your love on open display. Rest in Me on the Sabbath Day and receive My blessing; honor My Holy Days and remember, that you may also understand; hold fast to The Holy Covenant, and no longer depart from the Word of My Commandment. Yet among you, I see some who do not turn their foot away from doing their own pleasure on the Sabbath, the day which I made for you, the day I commanded you to remember and keep holy.[1] Beloved ones, did I not sanctify the seventh day from the beginning?[2] Did I not write The Commandment by My own finger? Is it not a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am The Lord who sanctifies you?[3] Yet the churches of men forsake My Commandments, and do not honor My Holy Days. Thus those who forsake My Sabbaths have revealed who is first; let them walk through the valley! Says The Lord..." Says The Lord God [1] - ↑ Exodus 20:8 [2] - ↑ Genesis 2:3 [3] - ↑ Exodus 31:13
