BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO SEEK ME (More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior)

The Blessed... More Declarations of Blessedness From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"Blessed are all those with Their heads raised toward Heaven, Who do continually look up In anticipation of My coming... They shall surely be gone from this place! † Blessed are the wise who wait and watch, And see these things come to pass During their generation... Blessed are the faithful, For they shall be lifted up. † Blessed is the one who finds his way to Me, Without the hindrances of men. † Blessed are those who diligently Seek after God, for they will surely find Me... But know this, I am also He who Corrects and disciplines those He loves. † Blessed is the man who comes to Me Ashamed of his trespasses, whose heart Is full of grief on account of his sins, For I am faithful to forgive his sins... Indeed I shall lift him up, And set his feet upon hallowed ground."
