AWAKEN - "Behold, the trumpet is blown in the four corners, the warning broadcast in all the earth!"

THE VOLUMES OF TRUTH - Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior

"The mountains tremble and the hills quiver, The oxen grumble in their stalls And the lambs leap about in their places, FOR I AM COME... Do you hear the sound of My heart Pounding within My chest, the thunder Rumbling as the storm approaches? Look how the lightning flashes upon the southern skies, See how the clouds roil on the western horizon... Behold, the northern lands are anxious, The isles of the east are unsettled And the deserts burn with hatred, FOR I AM COME... Behold, the trumpet is blown In the four corners, the warning broadcast In all the earth, and still you sleep!... AWAKEN! I AM COME!... Says The Lord."
